Monday, November 29, 2010

So, Something New, Maybe?

Since I've been looking around Blooger, I noticed that some people also upload their artwork and comic strips here... Why did I not think of this? XD

So I'm thinking I will make a separate blog in the near future and put up some of my artwork and such. Maybe I could also sketch more and put some stuff there X3 In the meantime, college sucks up my time like a thirsty elephant XD

That's all, just wanted to expel a thought X3 Ja ne~


  1. Hi,

    Looks like you're off to a good start. When I started my blog, I had no idea what I was doing (still don't) and no idea where I was going to take it. I was just aimlessly posting pictures of food and maybe a small review, then when I realized there were people actually reading my blog, I put a bit more effort into it.

    How on earth did you find my blog by the way?


  2. @PeterThank you very much =^_^= I'm not really sure if anyone really completely knows what they're doing, but that's what life is mostly about. Learning X3 Ahaha

    Oh? I just clicked on one of my interests and started looking through people with similar interests =3 Your blog looked pretty interesting, and it's good to get to know people, right? =^_^=

    Again, thanks for your comment =)

  3. Hi,

    Nice to meet you then! I guess the common interest may have been anime? Do you know Macross?

    Anyway, thanks for coming by my blog and see you around!


  4. @Peter Yup, that'd be the one =^_^= I've heard of it, but I haven't actually seen it =o.o=

    You're welcome, and yes, I hope so =^_^=
