Monday, November 29, 2010

So, Something New, Maybe?

Since I've been looking around Blooger, I noticed that some people also upload their artwork and comic strips here... Why did I not think of this? XD

So I'm thinking I will make a separate blog in the near future and put up some of my artwork and such. Maybe I could also sketch more and put some stuff there X3 In the meantime, college sucks up my time like a thirsty elephant XD

That's all, just wanted to expel a thought X3 Ja ne~

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heck, I'm Not Much of a Blogger, But...

Just thought I'd break this baby in with an intro. Hello everyone! I don't do blogs often, to be honest. I don't read blogs, so I wouldn't know where to begin. But hey, we all gotta start somewhere, right?

So a little about me. I just turned 23 (awesome, but weird at the same time), I'm in my last year of college (also simultaneously awesome/weird), I enjoy drawing, watching/reading anime/manga, playing video games (as of lately, I haven't been able to *sobsob*), listening to music (as my blood is 75% J-Pop), and just surfing the web. Thought I'd try something new for a change, you know?

This blog... well I guess I could put random stuff here. Could be a rant... could be philosposhy... could make no sense whatsoever. However, I'mma do what I see fit (well, if it doesn't violate anything, that is XD). Also, a forewarning... I'm an avid user of emoticons, so if you see all manner of weird simples, that's just how I express myself, ok? =^_^= <-- This one is one of my most common. But as of late, I'm mroe partial to XD and X3

Lol. So that's all for intros... Hope I do well here, ne? =^_^= Till Later~